Posts récents

Kalman: filter, tracking, IMU

15 minute(s) de lecture

The Kalman filter is a very widespread method in the engineering field since it has numerous applications in localization, navigation, automatic piloting, object tracking, data fusion, etc. It was introduced in 1960 by the engineer Rudolf E. Kálmán and was notably used for trajectory estimation for the Apollo program. Indeed, from a series of measurements...

CNN: convolution, Pytorch, Deep Dream

9 minute(s) de lecture

Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are the models that have made it possible to make a leap forward in image recognition problems. They are at the heart of many applications ranging from facial identification security systems to the classification of your vacation photos, including synthetic face generation and Snapchat filters. One of the founders of th...

Neural Network: statistics, gradient, perceptron

11 minute(s) de lecture

In recent years, we hear more and more in the media the words: artificial intelligence, neural network, Deep Learning … Indeed, many innovations have emerged thanks to these technologies but that this hides really behind this terminology? Ever since the first programmable computers were designed, people have been amazed to see these computers solving task...

Optimization: algorithm, XFOIL, airfoil

9 minute(s) de lecture

In everyday life, we often seek to optimize our actions to make the least effort and well, in the world of engineering, it’s the same thing. Minimization problems are ubiquitous in many systems whether to save time, money, energy, raw material, or even satisfaction. For example, we can seek to optimize a route, the shape of an object, a selling price, a c...

Population dynamics: ODE, ecology, logistics

10 minute(s) de lecture

Among the challenges of the 21th century, ecology has a major role since it is the science that studies the interactions of living beings with each other and with their environment. To model these interactions, population dynamics is the branch that is interested in the demographic fluctuations of species. Its applications are numerous since it can make i...

Fractal Object: Dimension, Self-Similarity, Infinity

6 minute(s) de lecture

They are present in tropical forests, at the forefront of medical research, in films and everywhere where wireless communication reigns. This mystery of nature has finally been unraveled. “Damn, but it’s of course !”. Perhaps you have never heard of these strange shapes, yet they are everywhere around you. Their name: fractals.

Make a blog with Jekyll : Markdown, Github, Latex

4 minute(s) de lecture

I write the 1st post of this blog to simply talk about how to create a blog like this. The main reason that made me use Jekyll to create a blog is the ability to easily write $\LaTeX$ equations. Indeed, I had previously tried with WordPress but none of the solutions that I had tested really convinced me. While doing some research on the subject, I came ac...